
Romans 10:17

Romans 10:17 So then Faith  comes   by hearing,  and hearing  by  the Word of GOD .   MORE VERSES FOR THIS DAY  2 Corinthians 10:17 But  “he who glories, let him Glory in the   LORD .” Hebrews 10:17 Then He adds,   “ Their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more .” [Hebrews 8:12  For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness,   and their sins   and their lawless deeds I   will remember no more . ”] [Jeremiah 31:34  No more shall every man teach his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, ‘Know the LORD ’ for they all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the LORD   f or I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more . ”]   Deuteronomy 10:17 For the  LORD  your GOD  is   GOD of gods and  LORD of lords,  the Great GOD ,  M ighty and Awesome,  Who   shows no partiality nor takes a bribe. Psalm 10:17 LORD , You have heard the desire of the humble;  You will prepare their heart;  You will cause Your  Ear to h

Matthew 10:16

Matthew 10:16 Behold,  I send you out  as sheep in the midst of wolves.   therefore  be wise as serpents  and   harmless  as doves MORE VERSES FOR THIS DAY John 10:16 And   other sheep I have  which are not of this fold;  them also I must bring,  and they will hear My Voice;   and there will be One flock  and One Shepherd. 1 Corinthians 10:16  The Cup of Blessing which we bless,  is it not  the C ommunion of the Blood of CHRIST  ?  the Bread which we break,  is it not  the Communion of the Body of CHRIST  ? Psalm 10:16 The  LORD  is King Forever and Ever;  the nations have perished out of His Land. Proverbs 10:16  The labor of the righteous leads to life,  the wages of the wicked to sin. Jeremiah 10:16 The Portion of Jacob is not like them,  for He  is the Maker of all things,  and Israel is the tribe of His Inheritance;  the  LORD  of Hosts is  His Name.  

Mark 10:15

Mark 10:15 Assuredly, I say to you,   whoever does not receive  the Kingdom of GOD   as a little child  will   by no means enter it. MORE VERSES FOR THE DAY:  John 10:15 As the FATHER knows Me , even so I know the FATHER ;   and I lay down My  Life for the sheep. Acts 10:15 And a Voice  spoke  to him again the second time,  “ What GOD has   cleansed you must not call common .” Romans 10:15 And how shall they preach unless they are sent?  As it is written:  “How beautiful are the feet of those  who preach the Gospel of Peace,  who bring Glad Tidings of good things!” I[saiah 52:7  How beautiful upon the mountains  are the feet of him who brings Good News,  who proclaims peace, w ho brings Glad Tidings of good things,  who proclaims salvation,  who says to Zion,  “Your GOD reigns!”] [Nahum 1:15  Behold, on the mountains t he feet of him who brings Good Tidings,  who[proclaims peace !  O Judah, keep your appointed feasts,  perform your vows  for the wicked one shall no more pass th

John 10:14

John 10:14 I am the Good Shepherd;  and   I know My  sheep,  and   am known by My  Own.   MORE VERSES FOR THE DAY:   Matthew 10:14 And whoever will not receive you nor hear your words,  when you depart from that house or city,   shake off the dust from your feet. Mark 10:14 But when JESUS saw  it,   He was greatly displeased and said to them,  Let the little children come to Me ,  and do not forbid them;  for   of such is the Kingdom of GOD . 1 Corinthians 10:14 Therefore, my beloved,  flee from idolatry. Hebrews 10:14 For by One Offering  He has Perfected Forever  those who are being Sanctified. Deuteronomy 10:14 Indeed heaven and the highest Heavens  belong to the LORD your GOD ,  also the earth with all that is in it. Psalm 10:14 But You have seen,  for You observe trouble and grief,  to repay it by Your Hand;  the helpless commits himself to You ;  You are the Helper of the fatherless.

1 Corinthians 10:13

 1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you  except such as is common to man;  but  GOD   is  Faithful,  Who will not allow  y ou  to be tempted  beyond  what you are able,  b ut  with the temptation  will also make the way of escape,  t hat you may be able to  bear  it.   MORE VERSES FOR THE DAY:  Romans 10:13 For  “whoever calls   on the Name of the LORD   shall be saved.” Joshua 10:13 So the sun stood still,  and the moon stopped, t ill the people had revenge  upon their enemies. Is  this not written in the Book of Jasher?   so the sun stood still  in the midst of heaven,  and did not hasten to go  down   for about a whole day Daniel 10:13 But the prince of the kingdom of Persia  withstood me twenty-one days;  and behold, Michael,  one of the chief princes,  came to help me,  for I had been left  alone there  with the kings of Persia.  

Hosea 10:12

Hosea 10:12 Sow for yourselves Righteousness;  reap in Mercy; break up your fallow ground, for  it is time  to  seek the  LORD ,  till He  comes  and rains  Righteousness on you. MORE VERSES FOR THE DAY:   Romans 10:12 For  there is no distinction between Jew and Greek,  for  the same LORD over all  is rich to all who call upon Him Hebrews 10:12 But this Man,  after He had offered  One Sacrifice for sins Forever,  sat down  at the Right Hand of GOD Job 10:12 You have granted me Life and Favor,  and Your Care has preserved my spirit. Jeremiah 10:12 He  has made the earth by His  Power,  He has es tablished the world by His Wisdom,  and has stretched out the heavens at His Discretion. Proverbs 10:12 Hatred stirs up strife,  but Love covers all sins. Zechariah 10:12 " So I will strengthen them  in the  LORD ,  and they shall walk up and down  in His Name ,”  says the LORD .  

John 10:11

John 10:11 “ I  am the Good Shepherd.  The Good Shepherd  gives  His  Life  for the sheep. MORE VERSES FOR THE DAY:  1 Corinthians 10:11 Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come. Romans 10:11 For the Scriptur e says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.” Proverbs 10:11 The mouth of the Righteous is a well of Life,  but violence covers the mouth of the wicked. Ezra 10:11 Now therefore,  make confession  to the  LORD GOD  of your fathers,  and do  His  Will;  separate yourselves  from  the peoples of the land,  and from the pagan wives.”