
1 John 5:18

1 John 5:18 We know that  whoever  is born of GOD  does not sin;  but  He  Who has been B orn of GOD  keeps   himself,  and  the wicked one  does not  touch him . MORE  VERSES FOR THIS DAY:  Matthew 5:18 For assuredly, I say to you,   till heaven and earth pass away,  one   jot or one   tittle  will  by no means pass  from the Law  till all is fulfilled . Romans 5:18 Therefore, as through  one man’s offense  Judgment came  to all men,  resulting in condemnation,  even so  through O ne   Man’s Righteous Act  the free Gift came   to all men,  resulting in Justification of life. 2 Corinthians 5:18 Now all things  are  of  GOD ,  Who has reconciled us to  Himself   through  JESUS CHRIST,   and has given us t he Ministry of Reconciliation Galatians 5:18 But if  you are  guided  a...

James 5:16

James 5:16 Confess  your  trespasses  to one another,  and pray  for one another,  that you may be healed.  the effective,  fervent prayer  of a Righteous man  avails much MORE VERSES FOR THIS DAY:  Matthew 5:16 Let your Light so shine before men,   that they may see your good works a nd  g lorify your FATHER in Heaven. Luke 5:16 So He Himself   often   withdrew  into the wilderness  and  prayed Galatians 5:16 I say then:  W alk in the SPIRIT ,  and you shall not fulfill  the lust of the flesh. Ephesians 5:16 Redeeming the time,  because the days are evil. 1 Thessalonians 5:16 Rejoice always 1 John 5:16  If anyone sees his brother sinning a sin  which does  not  lead  to death, he will ask, and  He will give him Life for those who commit sin not  leading  to death.  There is sin  leading  to death.  I do not say t...

Romans 5:15

Romans 5:15 But the Free Gift  is  not like the  offense.  for if by the one man’s offense  many died,  much more  the Grace of GOD   and the Gift  by the Grace  of the One Man,  JESUS CHRIST ,  abounded  to many. MORE VERSES FOR THIS DAY: Luke 5:15 However,  the report went around  concerning Him all the more;  and  great multitudes came together  to hear,  and to be healed  by Him   of their infirmities. 2 Corinthians 5:15 And He died for all,  that those who live  should live no longer for themselves,  but  for Him  Who died for them and rose again. Ephesians 5:15 See then that you walk  circumspectly,  not as fools but as wise, 1 Thessalonians 5:15 See that no one renders evil for evil to anyone,  but always  pursue what is good  both for yourselves and for all. 1 John 5:15 And if we know that He hears us,  whatever we...

1 John 5:14

1 John 5:14 Now  this is the Confidence  we have in Him ,  that  if we ask anything  according to His Will,  He hears us. MORE VERSES FOR THE DAY: Matthew 5:14 “ You are the Light of the world.  a city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden . 2 Corinthians 5:14 For the Love of CHRIST compels us,  because we judge thus:  that  if One died for all,  then all died; Galatians 5:14 For  all the Law is fulfilled  in One Word,  even  in this:  “You shall Love your neighbor as yourself.” Ephesians 5:14 Therefore He says:  “Awake, you who sleep,  arise from the dead,  and CHRIST will give you Light.” Hebrews 5:14 But solid food belongs  to  those  who are  of full age,  that is,   those who  by reason of  use  have their senses exercised  to discern both Good and evil. James 5:14 Is anyone among you sick?  let him call for the elders of the ch...

Matthew 5:13

Matthew 5:13 You are the Salt of the earth;   but if the salt loses its flavor,  how shall it be seasoned?  It is then good for nothing  but to be thrown out  and trampled underfoot by men MORE VERSES FOR THE DAY: Galatians 5:13 For you, brethren,  have been called to Liberty;  only  do not  use  Liberty  as an  opportunity  for the flesh,  but  through Love  serve one another. Ephesians 5:13 But  all things that are  exposed  are made manifest by the Light,  for whatever makes manifest is Light. James 5:13 Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful ?  Let him sing psalms. 1 John 5:13 These things  I have written to  you  who believe  in the Name of the SON of GOD ,  that you may know  that  you have Eternal Life,  and that you may continue to believe  in the Name of the SON of GOD Revelation 5:13  And every ...

Revelation 5:12

Revelation 5:12 Saying with a loud voice,   Worthy is the Lamb   Who  was slain   to receive  Power ,  and R iches ,  and W isdom ,  and S trength ,  and H onor ,  and G lory , and Blessing MORE VERSES FOR THE DAY: Matthew 5:12 Rejoice and be exceedingly glad,  for great is your reward in Heaven,  for   so they persecuted the prophets  who were before you Luke 5:12 And it happened when He was in a certain city,  that behold,  a man who was full of  leprosy saw JESUS ;  and he fell on  his  face  and  implored Him , saying,  “ LORD , if You are willing,  You can make me clean.” Acts 5:12 And  through the hands of the apostles  many Signs and Wonders were done  among the people.  and they were all  with one accord in Solomon’s Porch. Romans 5:12 Therefore, just as  through one man  sin entered the world,  and  d...

Psalm 5:11

Psalm 5:11 But let all those rejoice  who put their Trust in You ; let them ever shout for Joy,  because You defend them; let those also  who Love Your Name  be Joyful in You MORE VERSES FOR THE DAY: Matthew 5:11 Blessed are you  when they revile and persecute you,  and say all kinds of   evil against you falsely  for My sake. Luke 5:11 So when they had brought their boats to land,  they  forsook all and followed Him . Romans 5:11 And not only  that,   but we also  rejoice in GOD  through our LORD JESUS CHRIST ,  through Whom   we have now  received  the Reconciliation. 1 Corinthians 5:11 But now I have written to you  not to keep company  with anyone named a brother,  who is  sexually immoral, or covetous,  or an idolater,  or a reviler,  or a drunkard, or an extortioner—  not even to eat with such a person. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore  comfort ...