1 Cor 3
- 3:2 This “milk” would include the basic teachings of our faith. Even so, every newborn needs milk to survive and be sustained. See 1 Peter 2:2. The more advanced teachings Paul describes are spiritual “solid food”—something we can “sink our teeth into” and look for deeper meaning in.
- 3:4 Apollos was a brilliant, educated Alexandrian Jew and a follower of John the Baptizer. While in Ephesus, Apollos met Priscilla and Aquila, who directed him into deeper teachings of Christ (Acts 18:24–26). Apparently the church of Corinth was deeply divided and in need of wisdom and unity.
- 3:4 Or “Are you [merely] men?”
- 3:9 Workers have different gifts and abilities, but true growth of God’s kingdom is through divine power. No one is a superstar; we are all members on God’s team.
- 3:9 See Gen. 2:8; Song. 4:12–16.
- 3:10 Or “grace” (for the task).
- 3:10 Or “wise, first-class architect.” We would say in today’s English, “a top-notch general contractor.”
- 3:12–13 Paul’s language seems to be anticipating his next subject: the church as God’s true temple. There is here an allusion to the temple of Solomon, which was built using gold, silver, and costly stones. Wisdom will build her house with divine substance (gold), redemption’s fruit (silver), and transformed lives (costly stones). See 1 Chron. 22:14–16; 29:2. Wood, hay, and straw are emblems of the works of the flesh, the building materials of men, not of God. They grow up from the ground, which God cursed (Gen. 3:17). It is both quality and durability that God commends. Fire will cause the better material to glow brighter, but the inferior material will be consumed. How we build and what we build matters to God. Note that it is possible to build on the true foundation of Christ but with wrong materials. We need God’s work done in God’s way.
- 3:12–13 See Rom. 2:16; 1 Cor. 1:8; 4:5; 5:5; 2 Cor. 5:9–10; 2 Thess. 1:10.
- 3:16 Or “temple.” The plural you (you all) shows that Paul is referring to the church, the body of believers, the holy dwelling place of God on earth. Later, in 1 Cor. 6:19, he refers to individual believers (our human bodies) as the dwelling place of God. Ten times in 1 Corinthians Paul uses the phrase “Don’t you know” (or realize)?
- 3:16 God revealed his presence in the Old Testament temple by filling it with a cloud of glory. The New Testament inner sanctuary is now the church, where God dwells among us by his Spirit.
- 3:17 Or “If someone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him.” The Aramaic uses the word deface or shatter.
- 3:18 For every verse that warns us of being deceived by others, there is verse to warn us about being self-deceived. Having a teachable heart and learning wisdom from above is the best way to guard from self-deception.
- 3:18 As translated from the Aramaic. The Greek is “If anyone thinks he is wise by the world’s standards, he must first become ignorant [or silly] and then he can become truly wise.”
- 3:19 The Greek word drassomai means “to close the fist on” or, by implication, “to trap” or “to firmly grasp” (a slippery object). See Job 5:13.
- 3:20 See Ps. 94:11.
- 3:22 Or “Cephas,” which is the Latin spelling of keefa, the Aramaic word for “rock.” God places all of his servants at the disposal of the church. Leaders come and go, but God’s work continues. Every gift and every leader is meant to serve the body of Christ and bring her into the fullness of Christ.
- 3:22 The Aramaic can be translated “the universe.” That is, the church is not of this world; it is to bring heaven’s kingdom into the forefront of all the world. The wisdom of the world is subdued by God’s wisdom given to the church.
- 3:22 That is, the pressures of life and death are beneath the rule of Christ in our hearts. See Rom. 14:9. The days of our present life, as well as the future glory, belong to us already. We are not victims in life, for as believers we share in the lordship of Christ today and forever.