
2 Thessalonians 1:11

2 Thessalonians 1:11 Therefore  we also  pray always for you  that our GOD   would  count you  Worthy of  this  Calling,  and fulfil all  the g ood  Pleasure  of  His   Goodness  and  the work of Faith  with Power MORE VERSES FOR THE DAY:  Mark 1:11 Then a Voice came from Heaven,  “ Y ou  are My Beloved SON ,  in Whom I am Well Pleased. ” John 1:11 He came to His O wn,  and His O wn did not receive Him . Acts 1:11 Who also said,  “Men of Galilee,  why do you stand gazing up into Heaven ? This  same   JESUS ,  Who was taken up  from you into Heaven,  will so come in like manner  as you saw Him go into Heaven.” Ephesians 1:11 In Him also  we have  obtained an Inheritance,  being predestined  according to  the Purpose of Him  Who works all things  according to  the Counsel of His Will, Philipp...

Colossians 1:10

Colossians 1:10 That you may walk  worthy of the LORD ,  fully pleasing  Him ,   being fruitful  in every good work  and increasing  in  the K nowledge of GOD MORE VERSES FOR THE DAY Mark 1:10 And immediately, coming up  from the water, he   saw the heavens  parting  and the SPIRIT   descending upon Him   like a Dove. John 1:10 He was in the world,  and the world was made through Him ,  and  the world did not know Him . Acts 1:10 And while they looked  steadfastly toward heaven as He went up,  behold, two men stood by them  in white apparel 2 Corinthians 1:10 Who delivered us from so great a death,  and  does deliver us;  in Whom we trust that He will still deliver  us, Ephesians 1:10 That in the dispensation  of  the fullness of the times  He might gather together  in One  all things in CHRIST ,  both which are in Heaven  ...

1 John 1:9

1 John 1:9 If we  confess our sins,  He is F aithful and Just  to forgive us  our  sins  and  to  cleanse us  from all unrighteousness MORE VERSES FOR THE DAY:  Acts 1:9 Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched,  He was taken up, and a Cloud received Him out of their sight. Ephesians 1:9 Having made known to us  the Mystery of His Will  according to His Good Pleasure  which He purposed in Himself ,  Colossians 1:9 For this reason we also,  since the day we heard it,  do not cease to pray for you,  and to ask  that you  may be filled  with  the Knowledge  of His Will  in all Wisdom and spiritual Understanding; 1 Corinthians 1:9 GOD is Faithful,  by Whom you were called  into  the Fellowship  of His SON ,  JESUS CHRIST our LORD . Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and of good courage;  do not ...

Acts 1:8

Acts 1:8 But you shall  receive Power when the HOLY SPIRIT   has come upon you;  and   you shall  be   witnesses to Me   in Jerusalem,  and in all Judea  and   Samaria,  and to the   end of the earth MORE VERSES FOR THE DAY:   Mark 1:8 I indeed baptized you with water,  but He will baptize you  with the HOLY SPIRIT Ephesians 1:8 Which He made to abound toward us  in all Wisdom and P rudence Colossians 1:8 Who also declared to us your L ove in the SPIRIT . 1 John 1:8 If we say that we have no sin,  we deceive ourselves,  and the Truth is not in us. Revelation 1:8 I am the Alpha  and the Omega,   the Beginning  and the End ,”   says the  LORD ,  “ Who  Is  and Who  Was  and Who is to come,  the   Almighty .” [Rev 21:6, Rev 22:13] Joshua 1:8 This Book of the Law  shall not depart from your mouth,  but  you ...

2 Timothy 1:7

2 Timothy 1:7 For  GOD   has  not given us a SPIRIT of Fear,  but of Power  and of Love  and of a sound Mind. MORE VERSES FOR THE DAY: Mark 1:7 And he preached, saying,  “There comes One after me  Who is mightier than I,  Whose sandal strap  I am not worthy  to stoop down and loose. John 1:7 This man came for a  witness,  to bear witness of the Light,  that all through him might  believe Acts 1:7 And He said to them,  “ It is not for you to   know  times or seasons  which the FATHER   has put  in His Own Authority ." Romans 1:7 To all who are in Rome,  beloved of GOD ,  called  to be  saints:  Grace to you and Peace  from GOD our FATHER   and the LORD JESUS CHRIST . 1 Corinthians 1:7 So that you come short in no gift,  eagerly  waiting for  the Revelation  of  our LORD JESUS CHRIST , Ephesians 1:7 In Him we have ...

Philippians 1:6

Philippians 1:6 Being confident of  this very thing,  that He Who   has  begun  a good Work in you  will complete  it   until  the Day of JESUS CHRIST ; MORE VERSES FOR THE DAY Colossians 1:6 Which has come to you,  as  it has  also in all the world,  and  is bringing forth  fruit,  as  it is  also among you  since the day  you heard and knew  the Grace of GOD in Truth; James 1:6 But let him ask in Faith,  with no doubting,  for he who doubts is  like  a wave  of the sea  driven and tossed by the wind. Revelation 1:6 And has  made us  kings and priests  t o His GOD and FATHER ,  to Him   be  Glory and Dominion  F orever and Ever.  Amen. Joshua 1:6 Be strong and of good courage,  for to this people  you shall divide  as an Inheritance  the land  which I swore to their fathers to g...

James 1:5

James 1:5 If any of you  lacks Wisdom,  let him ask of GOD ,  Who gives to all  liberally and without reproach,  and  it will be given to him. MORE VERSES FOR THE DAY: Mark 1:5 Then all the land of Judea,  and those from Jerusalem,  went out to him  and were all baptized by him in the Jordan River,  confessing their sins. John 1:5 And  the Light shines in the darkness,  and the darkness did not  comprehend it. Acts 1:5 For John truly baptized with water,   but you shall be baptized  with the HOLY SPIRIT  not many days from now .” Romans 1:5 Through Him  we have received  Grace  and apostleship  for  obedience to the faith  among all nations  for His Name 1 Corinthians 1:5 That you were enriched  in everything  by Him   in all u tterance and all Knowledge, 2 Corinthians 1:5 For as  the sufferings of CHRIST abound in us,  so our c onsolation also...